Friday, 14 June 2013


                The King Suddhodana had an old teacher. As the teacher was very wise he was known as a Sage. His real name was Kala Devala but people usually call him Asita the Sage. Asita lived in the jungle. He had heard that the King then had a son; he was very happy because this was the first time a child was born to the King.
                     The next day, he went to see the king’s son. The King was very happy to see his wise old teacher again, in the palace, after the Sage was seated, the King brought the Prince before the Sage and said” Teacher my son was only born. Here he is. Please see if hi future will be good.”
                      As the King said this, he lowered the infant Prince before the Sage so that he might examine him properly. However the baby turned his feet on the Sage’s head. Thus surprised Asita took hold of the baby’s feet and examined and them very carefully. He saw marks on the Price’s feet. Then he got up and said, “This Price will become a very great teacher in this world.” The Sage was very pleased and putting his palms together, paid due respect to the baby Prince. The King seeing this also did the same. This was the first salutation of the King.

Everyone was very pleased to know of the Sage’s prediction.
                      On the fifth day, the King invited five wise men to witness the naming ceremony and to suggest a good name for the Prince. These wise men examined the birth marks of the Prince and concluded that “The Price will be a King of kings if he wants to rule. If he chooses a religious life then he will become the Wisest--The Buddha.”
                       The youngest of the five wise men called Kondanna said “This Prince will be the Buddha and nothing else.”

Then the wise men gave the name SIDDHARTHA meaning “wish-fulfilled”

Here you can see the video for this post :

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